The Storm That Wasn’t a Storm


The Storm That Wasn’t a Storm

3 Good Things: A romp to school, resilient eagles and responsive rats. I’ve spent the morning at a local elementary school, listening as my kids (ages 4 and 5) talked about the first day…

The Two Men Are Now a Couple


The Two Men Are Now a Couple

Colin Farrell doesn’t have many ‘true friends.’ But Brendan Gleeson is one. They’ve known each other since grade school, the older man a former classmate from the University of Southern California, the younger one…

Mudslides in San Bernardino County


Mudslides in San Bernardino County

Woman and her dog missing after mudflows slam parts of San Bernardino County Officials say the couple were believed to have been driving to a vacation spot on a dirt road north of San…

Anna May Wong: The First Asian American Film Icon


Anna May Wong: The First Asian American Film Icon

Hollywood trailblazer Anna May Wong to be first Asian American featured on U.S. currency Anna May Wong, who created the film Mulan and made over six decades in the business, will be the first…

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs emergency declaration


California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs emergency declaration

Newsom signs state of emergency to support California communities recovering from wildfires California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a state of emergency to protect millions of people from the threats posed by the state’s…

Monkeypox has spread to a few people in the UK


Monkeypox has spread to a few people in the UK

Six people who tested positive for monkeypox have died, health departments confirm – but the disease has spread, and is expected to peak next week. Six people who tested positive for monkeypox have died,…