California Board of Trustees Announces Blister Measure to Expand Right-to-Read Provision

Endorsement: Four for Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees

The District’s Board of Trustees have unanimously endorsed a ballot initiative that would amend the state’s public higher education laws to expand on the district’s existing right-to-read provisions that allow all District students to enroll in courses of study not pre-approved by the California State Board of Education.

This change would affect almost 4 million students – the majority of whom reside in the Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

Four Board Trustees endorsed the ballot measure today.

“The District’s existing right-to-read provision ensures that students do not have to wait until their high school years to enroll in courses of study. In this way the District helps ensure the educational benefits of attending school are achieved.

“California’s right-to-read law, in many ways, addresses these concerns by ensuring that students are able to continue their education and achieve their potential.

“Furthermore, expanding on our existing right-to-read provision enhances the educational opportunities that students have at our local schools. By allowing all students to study, we encourage them to develop their talents, discover their interests and pursue their dreams.”

Board President George E. Smith said, “The right-to-read law already gives all students access to our vast library system. The right-to-read provision gives students and their parents the opportunity to take advantage of the many resources that are available through California State and District facilities.”

The ballot measure proposes the changes in the following language:

“Section 2 – California Constitution, Article Seventh, Article II – Provides that:

1. Except in accordance with state and local laws, all students, both public and private, shall be capable of pursuing those studies which shall contribute to the progress of the sciences of an educational character. However, no student may be denied the opportunity to obtain an education in any branch of this state or in any school of higher education in the state in which he or she resides.

2. In order to achieve the goal of providing each student

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